miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

newspaper vocabulaty:::

Reconnoitre: to explore an area in order to get information or as a noun
Advertising: is the general name for the activity is the uncountable types of advertising include  tv commercial, cinema radio.
Screenplay the script of a movie including acting instructions and scene directions
Media savvy: shrewdness and practical knowledge in media
Cutting edge: the latest or most advanced stage  in the development of something
News readers: computing a computer program for reading e. mail messages posted to news groups
Screening: a showing of a movie, video or television program
Voice over: a piece or narration in a movie or broadcast
Situation comedy: television or radio series in witch the same set of characters are involved in various amusing situations.
Prime time:  the regulary occurring time at which television or radio audience is expected to be greatest.

Box office: a place at a theater or other arts establishment where tickets are bought or reserved.

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